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Our solutions have helped 1400+ users across 48 countries address environmental, climate, and safety challenges

Learn about our newly released

                      public transport & service vehicle mounted environmental sensing system.

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Unprecedented Detail - The Power of Mobile Monitoring

Ground-based Environmental Data Acquisition Solutions

CitySense | Public Transport & Service Vehicle Mounted

The CitySense hardware system can be easily mounted on public transport

(e.g. taxis and buses) and service vehicles (e.g. garbage trucks and delivery vans) to cost-effectively gather environmental data (CH4, PM, TVOC, and CO2)

with ultra-high spatial-temporal resolutions. The CitySense software platform is also a powerful tool for converting the big data acquired into rich actionable insights.

UAV-based Environmental Data Acquisition Solutions

Speedip V2+ Smart Water Sampling

The seamlessly integrated system can collect water samples at designated locations and depths, revolutionizing water sampling operations and giving operators full confidence while enhancing personnel safety.

Environmental Protection - Remote Water Sampling in Lakes and Rivers 
Maritime Affairs - Remote Sea Water Sampling

Dealers & Clients

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1400+ End-users in 48 Countries, 79 Dealers in 45 Countries

*As of December 2023

What Our Clients Say

Our solutions have helped 1200+ clients worldwide boost efficiency, reduce risk and make more informed decisions

Dr. Min Li, Engineer of Everbright Environment and member of the carbon monitoring project

"With precise and high spatial resolution data, Sniffer4D 1ppm NDIR CO2 Sensing System and 1 ppm TDLAS Methane Sensing Module have exceptional performance in monitoring and locating the source of greenhouse gases emission in landfills and sewage plants. With ultra compact and lightweight structural design, the user-friendly Sniffer4D system can be applied to regular inspection in the landfill area for leakage location, allowing easy operation and management."

Cases & Stories

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